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[epub] Hayatus Sahaba In 19 Utorrent Ebook Zip Full Edition


This is a book that tells us about the history of Islamic Jihad and what happended during the Prophet Mohammad's times. This book is written in Tamil language. Muhammad (PBUH), who was born in Mecca, was also known as Al-Nabi(PBUH) and Prophet of Islam. The religion started with him and his life experiences shaped it profoundly later on with the revelations he had received from Allah Ta'ala. The religion we know today started to be classified as Islam gradually during his time and has been evolving since then till now, where we see an overall more peaceful co-existence with all faiths today leading to harmony throughout the world. Islamic Jihad is a translation of the Arabic word 'Jihad' which means striving for a good cause. The ultimate objective of Jihad is to establish peace and tranquility in the land and to ensure that all the people in the world become believers and worshippers of Allah Ta'ala. Allah Ta'ala did not want His worshipers to be suppressed or influenced by disbelievers, He made it compulsory for them to fight against oppression and injustice. Jihad was ordained upon every individual; man, woman, child etc. The teachings of Islam were meant for all mankind and not just limited to one particular people. As a result, wars were fought in the earlier days to establish Islam. The author of this book combats the concept that Jihad is for attacking an enemy. This is simply not true. Jihad was never meant for enemies or invaders or people against whom one has a grudge. A Muslim man following the orders of his Lord Allah Ta'ala by disarming a robber and repaying him back, does not mean he has entered into a war with him. Islam forbids any form of aggression whether verbal or physical because it would go against keeping peace amongst mankind and Islam itself . But if someone attacks us or our country, then Islam allows us to fight against the aggressors. This book mentions several incidents which have taken place in Islamic history - the lives of some prominent Muslims, some famous battles etc. There are also some choice extracts from some of the famous speeches made by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) himself. These speeches revolve around the crux of what Islam stands for - peace and prosperity. However, some people have taken different meanings out of these speeches and tried to make it appear like Jihad is about forcing Muslims to become terrorists or change their religion (which is absolutely not true). The author has written about this aspect in detail in this book. The book also includes some interesting tales about miraculous happenings in Islamic history. There are stories about the miracles performed by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) himself, his companions, great rulers etc. There are also several Quranic verses included, which reflect the ideology of Islam - peace, harmony etc. This book was written by Mr. Muhamed Abdul Bari who is a renowned Islamic scholar in Tamil Nadu whose research has always been appreciated all over the world for his knowledge pertaining to Islam and Islamic history . Many non-Muslims have praised him for his knowledge of Hinduism and how it relates to Islam. He has also written many other books on the comparative study of Hinduism and Islam . Mr. cfa1e77820


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